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The Houston Chapter holds its Annual Business Meeting and Wine Dinner each August for the purpose of reviewing the chapter’s business, reviewing plans for future events and for philanthropic purposes and to hold the election of officers.  


The current officers are:


Master Commander / CEO  -  Buddy Hagner

Master Vice Commander / VP  -  Jim Curtice

Master Secretary / CAO  -  Ginger Covington

Master Treasurer / CFO  -  Trish Hagner

Director #1  -  Lee Slataper

Director #2  -  Tom Feeney

Director #3 (appointed by Commander)  -  Michelle Wise


THE CADRE - In addition to the Officers and Directors, at the pleasure of the Master Commander, the Chapter shall also have a group of members named to the group by the Master Commander who shall collectively be known as “THE CADRE”.  Members so named shall hold the rank of Master Knight, Master Gentle Lady or higher in the order.


TITLES OF CADRE MEMEBERS – Members named to the Cadre shall be given honorarium titles thought appropriate to the Master Commander and fitting to their individual chapter activities.


CEREMONIAL DUTIES – Members of the Cadre shall participate in ceremonial activities of the Order as directed by the Master Commander and wear the official costume and decorations prescribed by the Grand Council.


ADVISORY DUTIES – Members of the Cadre shall, at the call of the Master Commander, join the Master Commander’s Council in meetings called for the purpose of advising the Master Commander on decisions affecting the Membership and the Chapter’s activities.


The current CADRE members are:


Master Commander  -  Buddy Hagner

Master Vice Commander  -  Jim Curtice

Master Secretary  -  Ginger Covington

Master Treasurer   -  Trish Hagner

Master Historian  -  Lois Van Vooren

Master Parliamentarian  -  Michelle Wise

Master Scribe  -  Nan McCreary

Master Cellar  -  Master Tom Feeney

Master Flag Bearer  -  Mark Davis

Master Host  -  Lee Slataper

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